Urban dictionary may define Instagram as Every hipster s favourite way to make it look like they take really classy pictures,,thought-provoking and research-based., but there s no denying the fact that the photo sharing app is here to stay. From sharing just selfies and travel photos,coach outlet online,academics, Instagrammers are now posting their passion for food through the app.It s no longer just about taking a photo of what you ordered at the restaurant,Indira.,coach outlet, adding a filter,chanel outlet online,the Nine Network mini-series Power Games, some hashtags and posting it. Instagram is becoming a platform for foodies to share their own recipes and techniques. They use standalone images,, collages and the 15-second video option to showcase their culinary skills. Here s the how and why of this trend:

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MUNSHIGANJ, Bangladesh (AP) - Rescuers called off the search for missing passengers of a sunken ferry in central Bangladesh on Saturday after retrieving 40 bodies, causing anger among relatives of those still unaccounted for.