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The event at 7.30pm has been jointly organised by Southwell Churches Together and the Minster School,gen5360, Southwell,coach outlet,gen16591, where the hustings will be held. There will be room for 300 people.Written questions can be taken to the school from today and marked for the attention of the head of politics,chanel outlet,gen13804, Mr Clive Owen, or can be submitted at 7pm tomorrow.Lay co-ordinator of Southwell Churches Together Mr Frank McKenzie said they would accept questions until 7.15pm,, to allow them 15 minutes to sort the questions into different categories.He said they organised hustings in the past because it was important for residents to be able to listen to the candidates.Mr McKenzie said: “We want people to realise that Churches Together is not just about having a faith,, but also a desire to be involved within the wider community.”Mr Owen said they had a successful collaboration with Southwell Churches Together in the build-up to the 2010 General Election.Mr McKenzie said it was impossible to invite all 11 candidates on to the panel because of the large number. They decided to ask those who had an elected representative in Westminster or in the European Parliament to take part.The candidates on the panel will be Mr Robert Jenrick (Con),coach outlet store online, Mr Roger Helmer (UKIP), Mr Michael Payne (Lab), Mr David Watts (Lib Dem) and Mr David Kirwan (Green). The event will be chaired by the Rev Dr Alison Millbank,chanel bags,gen10480, a professor of theology at Nottingham University.

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Two recent deaths at New York City’s Rikers Island,with protests aimed at mine owners accused of ignoring safety for profit, including one man who died of an infection after seven days of neglect, and another died of the heat in his cell,who has not taken a drink for many years, point to the brutal treatment of inmates at the prison. Both cases were recently exposed by the Associated Press.

Democratic sources tell CNN it's a carefully crafted strategy to make the Koch brothers the 2014 election villains -- the personification of the rich manipulating the political system -- bankrolling a GOP agenda to get richer.

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