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Unfortunately,chanel bags, the validity of this stance is easily undone. The most striking example relates to one of the activities noted earlier, when the government admitted that Australian navy and customs vessels had entered Indonesian territorial or archipelagic waters and conducted activities that were not consistent with the right of innocent passage that such vessels would otherwise enjoy in these waters. Even after this admission, and the public statement that an inquiry would be conducted into the incursions, the release of information following completion of the Joint Review of Operation Sovereign Borders Vessel Positioning has been limited and incomplete. A copy of the review can be obtained from the online Australian Customs and Border Protection FOI disclosure log, but it has been heavily redacted so that any useful information regarding precise circumstances of the incursions cannot be obtained. In turn, this renders evaluation of the legal basis for the operations in which Australian vessels have been engaged very difficult to undertake.

Yang Yang, a political scientist at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing,"The governing body had no desire to remove the leadership of the body, said there were so many Chinese working in Vietnam that sending ships might be more practical than planes. "It can also appease the unhappiness of the Chinese public over the violence against Chinese nationals in Vietnam," he said.